Hello Again! Can you tell I am happy to have internet at home?!?! Now I really have something to distract me from housework, etc. (he, he, he).
Well, today is a hugely successful day already and I am sure you are wondering why. Well, I present to you 3 reasons why I am happy:

First off, the pancakes. I tried making pancakes a few weeks ago before I found my American measuring spoons and they turned out HORRIBLY. They were so doughy and disgusting. Today, I tried again and with much better results. I even made them McGriddle/Dad style and cooked them in bacon fat - yummy!

Secondly, my food parcels from my family. My sister and mom sent me kosher salt & canned pumpkin. My granny sent me cornbread, stuffing & chili. Funny enough, I was so worried about vanilla extract, cheerios and Kraft mac & cheese I never realized that Sweden WOULD NOT HAVE kosher salt, American style cornbread OR Pepperidge Farm stuffing. Thank you soooooooo much for sending these things - it's going to make my Thanksgiving so much more authentic!

And finally some early birthday presents (that'd be the 29th for some of you who might not know - Lissa?!?! HA, HA, HA!!!). My sister sent me the pink looking (in person it's more peachy) Under Armour Hoodie. I guess all that oohing and awing at Sports Authority before I left did the trick - you got the hint!!! ;-) Now I have no excuse for not running (other than pure laziness). The other hoodie is from my Granny - LOVE IT and it will be worn often. And the styrofoam cups, you ask - well, those are special packing devices used by my father (among other things). Dad - don't you know I live in an environmentally conscience society where use of styrofoam is punishable by death?!?! HA!!!
OK, so it's actually more than three things and it is certainly not the answer to world peace BUT it is things that are currently making me happy right now! Thank you EVERYONE who put together both of these packages. When the FedEx lady delivered the second one this morning, I was in the middle of making the pancakes. She was so funny - she said she could smell them all through the apartment hallway and it smelled really good. I guess I could have shared...nah, that is SO not like me.
And now for a few other pictures that are just funny...

My sister and I at dinner before we left - I think this is such a funny picture and we almost look alike. Scary that we have to make such a weird face to see the resemblance?!?!

The forest behind our apartment when we first arrived

The same shot taken today. It's rainy and 45F this afternoon. What's nice about where we live is when I opened the window to take this shot, you could hear the rain hitting the leaves of the trees. A much better noise compared to the roar of LBJ/635. HA!

And finally, a sweet picture of Kissel. It's not often I can capture him in his sweet, loving moments but this was one of them. Usually he is rolling his eyes at the camera.
Well, I am off for today. Need to run up to the grocery store to pick up dinner and pick up our dry cleaning too. FYI - you can never complain about dry cleaning pricing again (not that any of you really do) because it is costing me US$22 to get TWO pairs of pants cleaned.
Next care package, please send Dryel and Bounce Dryer Sheets (that's another story, another post).
Much Love,
1 comment:
Good stuff Monica, keep it coming! The Obergs is becoming part of my morning routine!
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