Thursday, January 27, 2011
One week and counting...
One week from today my sister arrives and we are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! Aunt Mandy is making the trip, sans children, and this is because Chase, my family and Chase's family are relatives disguised as angels. OK, maybe that is stretching (especially when it comes to Chase) but I couldn't be more grateful or appreciative for their help while Mandy is here. THANK YOU!
Leah, meanwhile, is gearing up for her Aunt to arrive. She has been working out and packing on more weight - up to 4600g/10lbs!!! My baby loves her some breastmilk. :-) She has also started taking the bottle once a night. We decided to introduce it so 1) Anders could help me with that horrible first feeding and 2) I could have the possibility of going out for dinner or something (which I did last night). She took it like a champ and I am thrilled. She is also starting to make some decisions on her daily schedule. Just like everyone says (yet is a bit hard to believe at the beginning), slowly but surely there is a pattern starting to form. She is getting better about taking her naps in her crib and continues to sleep well in the crib at night. As cozy as it is to have her sleeping next to me (which we sometimes do after the first early morning feeding for a quick cat nap), I am happy we didn't really get into this habit and she is peaceful in her bed. Besides, our bed is too small and Anders sleeps like he is in a cage fight so it really wasn't a possibility anyway.
This weekend Leah, Reagan and I are off to Nyköping. Project renovation has ramped back up and Anders will be tackling the other bathroom as well as the floor and ceiling molding. Needless to say, the bathroom is going to involve heavy duty chemicals, dust and painting so a decision was made for the girls to leave. Clinton gets to stay behind with his daddy because, well he was uninvited. Poor boy - he is still very much puppy sometimes (only turns 2 in February) and last weekend he lost his mind and was way too hyper. He needs some proper training and attention which I do plan on giving him soon, because no one wants to be around a dog that gets THAT excited. We did it with Reagan so I know Clinton will be fine - he alreadys is a better dog in so many ways but going to doggy daycare, while it is a blessing for exercise, doesn't help him with leash skills or social skills. Awww, the life of a dog owner - que sera, sera.
Now, on to why you are really here -pictures of Leah.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
3 Weeks Old

It is hard to believe that only 3 short weeks ago (and 3 long 'feeding' weeks ago) Leah Caroline arrived! Her conception and birth has been a long, long awaited process and to say we are happy and in love are mere expressions of a stronger emotion. We honestly felt that a biological child of our own was impossible so she is a very much wanted and loved child. We couldn't be happier and want to thank everyone for all their warm wishes.
Since she is only 3 weeks today. a 'routine' has not quite been established. I will say, however, she is definitely on a feeding schedule which is evident in these pictures as well as the scale - girlfriend gained 1lb in 1 week. We go back on Wednesday so it will be interesting to see if she is keeping pace. She is every bit the nightowl like her father, but settles into (2) 4 hour sleeps just past midnight. I have to say that first feeding around midnight/1am is the toughest - I am so confused everytime about what is going on and it takes me a few seconds to get it together, get her out of her crib and into bed. But we are getting there - all of us. Reagan and Clinton continue to be happy and curious big siblings who run around the apartment looking for her when they get home from doggy daycare. They will continue to go to doggy daycare until at least April/May. The weather is just too nasty right now for me to take care of all three of them and they enjoy daycare anyway.
Here are some pics I took within the last week - it is so fun to see her growing and growing, of course at this point it seems to be about filling out her cheeks and not in length. :-)

Friday, January 07, 2011
Sunday, January 02, 2011
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