I don't have any pictures other than this one because 'someone' in my family has taken the memory card out of the big camera and hidden the small one...Reagan!! ;-)
This picture is of our dinner from Celebrating Italian Cuisine Night which was on January 17th. I mistakenly thought it was Pasta Cabornara only, so that's what I made. This is the true, Italian version, with like 4 ingredients. Yes, that is a raw egg yolk - and the meal was so good!!!
Life is good too. I'm still contract working for the hotel and will be traveling a bit in March. Right now, the only confirmed trip is Switzerland and the Netherlands, but I may get to go to S. Korea and Australia (again) too. We'll see. But the trip I am most looking forward to this year is Dallas to visit my nephew, Caden. While at this very moment, he is not born yet, he is certainly on his way. Mandy went to the hospital earlier today but she may have stalled out a bit as she is not dialating past a 3. We'll see - in any event, she'll be popping that baby boy out soon and I can't wait to meet him. These are definitely the hardest times for me, though. Everyone's at the hospital and I'm over here wondering what is going on. It would be the same in Boston, or Cayman - but the option of catching a weekend flight is kind of out of the question. These are the compromises one makes....
The rest of the family is doing well. Reagan and I have been exercising a bit more lately. We keep waiting for winter to arrive, but mostly it's been in the high 30s/low 40s and dreary. No snow at all this year. We are only in January, however, and if I remember correctly we received some snow in April last year on Easter. Plenty of time, plenty of time. I discovered a new trail really close to our apartment that goes right by the water. Really peaceful and not too hilly. I took Anders out on a run last weekend (his first in two year) and I thought we both were going to die. I hadn't run that trail since BEFORE I went home for Thanksgiving, so it kicked my butt too. Need to get in shape if I'm going to attempt the Stockholm marathon in June. I'm also working out at the local gym. It's like a YMCA - funny little aerobic classes that you can't really make fun of when you end up being the one gasping for air and getting dizzy...what a wimp I am. But it makes for good cross training (?).
Now, I'm off to walk the dog before I head out to meet Anders for some tapas. We have found a great little tapas place near where he works that is pretty reasonable. We always have a good meal there and their house wine is delicious. We attempted to have a alcohol free January (they call is a 'white month') but it was more like a beige month. As you can see from the picture, I just HAD to have a glass of wine w/ my italian meal. Anders claimed that the Italian/Swedish mafia would come after us if we DIDN'T have wine with dinner. Anyway, at least our livers were given a mini-holiday and since tomorrow is February, will...might as well celebrate!!!
Here's to Mandy, Chase and baby Caden!!!!! I love you all very much and can't wait to see you soon!!!!
Monica xo
that is all very exciting to hear. I am glad you are doing well, and believe it or not you are the first one to tell me that Mandy is that close delivery. So, I will wish you an early congratulations Aunt Monica.
I know we are related because you talk about food almost as much as I think about it. ha ha ha, that's not really that funny because it is true. That is why I work out 5 days a week, and don't get to far.
Well keep us all posted on the news and not so news, with the both of you. So you know I check your blog about once a week to once every other week. (At times I have a lot of free time)
Hope to see you soon,
Love your cuz,
Congrats on becoming an Aunt!!! How exciting!!!
Hope you get some snow soon!
I'm crossing my fingers for us here in San Antonio...but I'm sure I will be disappointed yet again this winter with no snow. I need to move North!
Congratulations!! Aunt Monica. I understand Caden arrived at about 9:05pm Texas time. Glad you finally posted something. I'm like Derek, I check quite often.
Love you,
Aunt Wanda
When are you taking your March trips? It sounds very nice.
There was something else I was going to comment on, but it took a long time for the comment page to come up and now I can't remember. haha! On to the next entry....
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