Wow - what a crazy couple of months. A whirlwind of visits and trips - my sister, my mom, my dad and then the surprise visit to Dallas. All the while, Leah has been growing, changing and becoming more and more a personality.
My parents visit to Sweden was great! Mom treated me like a celebrity - fresh coffee in the morning and changing dirty diapers all the time. Today marks the first day I am on my own again - bittersweet to say the least. Naturally, having your mommy with you 24/7 is not normal and, while I enjoy my time alone, having someone around me constantly has been the norm for so long that it feels a bit lonely today. Leah and I are adjusting to the time change again. Coming home is always harder than going to Dallas and yesterday we were both exhausted. Luckily Leah was a ROCKSTAR on the flights home and strangers took pity on this single mother/sherpa traveling alone :-) Next week begins sleep bootcamp however I have to admit that just letting her fuss for longer than 30 seconds seems to be working already. It is amazing how long a minute feels when your baby is fussing.
Unfortunately, I did not whip out my camera very often in my visit home but when I did I managed to catch some pretty cute pics.

HA!!! Seriously funny picture.

Leah with her great grandma, Granny

Dru, my niece and some of her favorite things - a wet wipe and yogurt :-) Adorable
Need to gear up for my first walk with the dogs AND Leah. As you know they stopped going to daycare last week since it is an unneeded expense - girlfriend here is going to get some exercise!